19. huhtikuuta 2015

Wanted: testers!

Nyt olis haussa testineulojia Ruusa neuletakille RavelrynFPT:ssä (linkki suoraan mun ohjeeseen). Tästä linkistä lisää ryhmän säännöistä.

Looking for test knitters for Ruusa Cardigan at Ralvelrys FPT group. More about group rules here.

8. huhtikuuta 2015

Ruusa villatakki

Eka versio on neulottu, pingotettu, päärmeet ja napit ommeltu:

Valmiin takin myötä huomasin pari kohtaa, jotka voisi tehdä toisin, paremmin ja siistimmin… eli vaikka tämäkin versio pääsee (on jo päässyt) aktiivikäyttöön, niin se ei ole ihan mun vaatimuksia vastaava.

Ohjetta ja kaavioita olen viilannut useampaan kertaan sekä mallitilkkuillut kaarroketta suurempiin kokoihin. Suurimman koon lyhennetyt kerrokset yhdessä kirjoneuleen kanssa eivät halunneet toimia mun laskutoimituksilla alkuunkaan, kunnes äkkäsin ihan typerän kikan. Typerän, koska harmittaa että olisi ollut niin helppoa älytä se ennen kuin purin ja neuloin kaarrokkeen uudelleen SEITSEMÄÄN kertaan. Kahdeksannella kerralla onnistui kikan avulla ja nyt työ jatkuukin ihan kokonaiseksi takiksi asti.

Langat on jo myös tilattu siihen lopulliseen versioon, joka tikutellaan kaikkien taiteen sääntöjen ja tarkasti ohjeen mukaan. Sormia oikein syyhyä jo päästä varsinaisen langan kimppuun! – Ja sitten pitäisi vielä aloittaa muutama uusi versio, koska tämä projekti poiki jo jatkoidean! ;D

Ruusa Cardigan

The first version of Ruusa Cardigan is finished; knitted, blocked, hemmed and buttons sewed:

After finishing this version, I discovered some things that could be made in other, better and nester ways… so even if this version has already been in use, it doesn’t really meet my high standards.

I have worked further with the pattern, text and charts, and swatched the yoke for bigger sizes. I had some trouble getting the short rows to match my calculations for the biggest sizes and did knit and rip the yoke for SEVEN times until I got it finally right. So this time eight time’s the charm.

I’ve also ordered the yarns for my final version that will be done exactly by the pattern with no more adjustments. My fingers are already tickling and I can’t wait to get to work! – Oh and I should also start, yet again, few more new versions since this project beard an extended idea ;D

6. huhtikuuta 2015

About body types

In my body hugging patterns I usually use several shaping alternatives to able knitters to adjust the pattern to fit their own body. I refer to different letters when describing the body types in the patterns. It’s shorter to refer to one letter than the full name with long descriptions.

The five most common body types are:

X-body alias hourglass – The upper body and the hips are approximately the same width and with a distinct waist definition.
  • bust about the same width as the hip-line
  • defined waist

A-body alias pear – The upper body is smaller than your hips and with a waist definition.well defined waist
  • bust and shoulders are proportionally narrower than hip-line
  • thighs and but might be full and round

H-body alias rectangular – Upper body and the hips are the same width and with really small waist definition.
  • bust and shoulders about the same width as the hip-line
  • little or no waist definition

Y-body alias inverted triangle – Upper body is wider than the hips and with small waist definition.shoulders wider than your hips
  • hips are narrow
  • flat but

O-body alias apple – Upper body is wider than the hips and with absolutely no waist definition.wide around the waistline
  • no waist definition
  • hips and but might be full along with waist
  • bust, waist and hips are very close in measurements

These body types are generalizations and means. And of course not everybody fits to these body types. – I’m a good example of someone who doesn't fit exactly to any of the general body types. Why? I have wide shoulders, almost no boobs, distinct waist and wide hips. I don’t fit to the X-body because I don’t have boobs, even though from distance my body might look like it would be an hourglass. So I’m a mix of body types Y and A with special feature of having my real waist, the narrowest part of my torso, right below my nonexistent boobs. Oh and then I have a swayback and one side of my hips is much fuller then the other…

Luckily knitted garments stretch and are very forgiving to our imperfect yet gorgeous bodies!

I don’t include all the body types to every pattern, but do often include at least shaping alternatives for the bust and for a swayback (entirely for personal reasons). Pattern description tells you if the pattern includes shaping alternatives.