24. tammikuuta 2021

My favorite techniques: Figure 8 CO

 I’ve been testing all kinds of knitting techniques during the years. And I love to test new ones in search of the perfect ones for me and my designs. Though I have already found some of my absolute favorites… that I will share with you in some upcoming blog posts.

The first technique I’m sharing with you is my favorite when casting on toe up socks:

Figure 8 Cast On

The CO is made with circular needles holding them parallel and wrapping the yarn in figure 8 around the needles. Leaving a short tail of the yarn wrap it around the upper needle and work the yarn alternately around and between the needles. Continue wrapping a figure 8 around the needles until you have the desired number of sts, ending with a bottom loop. You’ll now have an equal number of sts on both needles. The CO is ready only after working once the sts on the 2nd needle: rotate the needles so you’re holding them with your left hand and pull the bottom needle through the sts so that they’re on the cable. With the right hand needle K the first st of left hand needle and K the following sts tbl. Now the CO is ready.

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